This was an epic, extraordinary experience that really viscerally showed me what LOVE is.


The Magic of Human Connection is a movement.

We believe that there are infinite possibilities in relating and simple tools to access this untapped potential.

We believe that you deserve to feel amazing about yourself; confident, loved and celebrated as you move through the world and we believe that meaningful interactions are possible wherever you go.

We believe you are a magnificent gift to the world and to remember that we need to be celebrated in community.

We believe that love is the most powerful force there is.

We believe that love exists everywhere – waiting to be expressed.

We believe in being love activists.

Group Connecting

The magic of human connection is a one-of-a-kind adventure into the heart of love.

We believe that feeling alive, loved and confident within yourself is the most powerful medicine to fully live and experience your best life here on earth.

We believe that it’s time to break free out of the limiting boxes of interaction that create disconnection and isolation in our culture.

We believe that a smile has the power to change the world.

We believe that everyone is powerful, everyone has super powers, everyone is a healer.

We believe that underneath it all there’s always love.

We believe in having fun.

We believe in celebrating this moment.

We believe in celebrating each other and being celebrated without the need to perform or earn approval – being seen as the magnificent person that we are in each and every moment.

We believe that connection is simple, powerful and transformational.

We believe connection can happen in an instant and is available to everyone all the time.

We believe that this is what the world needs more of.

We believe there’s a transformation in relating and in the social landscape of our world that is ripe and waiting to happen.

We believe in opting out of the culture of isolation and disconnection and joining the paradigm of being fully alive, empowered, sharing your gifts and your love boldly bravely and passionately with the world.

Jessica Encell-Coleman with Microphone
Jessica Encell-Coleman on stage

We believe that play and love and presence are the best medicines.

We believe that the key to self-love is simple but without it life is meaningless.

We believe the way you do one thing is the way you do everything and when you change the way that you relate to yourself and relate to the world you change your whole life.

We believe that everyone has a brilliant destiny to fully express their greatness and magnificence to live their full embodied experience of life.

We believe that Joy is the best medicine.

We believe that every day should be filled with love, joy and appreciation celebration.

We believe that knowing who you are, feeling fully loved and connected to yourself is the best gift you can give yourself.

We believe that connection is the glue of life.

We believe the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.

We believe that more is possible and we are committed to discovering it and living it.

We believe the world is hungry for a new paradigm of relating that is not shallow, superficial and judgment based but is deep, passionate and enriching for everyone involved.

We believe that people want this and just haven’t found it yet.

We believe that love is our true nature.

We believe that love transforms the world.

Live Events

Extraordinary levels of love, joy and aliveness are available to us all the time. We create extraordinary in-person experiences for people all around the world to tap into those beautiful states of being through our profoundly impactful and immersive events.

From our signature “Magic of Human Connection” session to our “Couples Connection Experiences” to more, every minute of our in-person experiences are designed to be interactive, transformational and heart opening.

We lovingly descibe our events as one part heart opening ceremony, one part wellness workshop, and one part best party youve ever been to – hands down.

We offer these experiences throughout the year in major cities across the US and beyond.

Attend an Event

Online courses

Our world is such a beautiful place. We want to give you the tools and courses that will help you love it even more!

You know that feeling when you feel so connected to your energy, so full of love, and so connected to your inner spark, that you just can’t help but smile? That’s the kind of happiness we want to share with everyone. Our world-renowned courses are focused on love, joy and connection–the fundamentals for an amazing life!

Our transformational online courses are focused around the foundational practices for greater love, joy and connection. Each program we offer combines the power of uplifting community, transformational connection, embodied practices and tools for having a greater experience of love on a daily basis. Every course is intentionally designed to be extraordinarily fun, deeply fulfilling, and highly impactful.

Somehow we’ve all learned about math, history and chemistry in school, but most of us were never taught what we believe are the TRUE core subjects – how to love ourselves fully, connect with each other deeply, celebrate the gift of life, and create a powerfully thriving and uplifting inner ecosystem.

We are wildly passionate about creating life-changing courses to support you in these core subjects!

Explore Our Courses

Corporate Experiences

Infuse greater connection and camaraderie into your team culture through online or in-person sessions. Multi week online courses, as well as powerful offsite and retreat experiences available.

We create custom connection experiences that are tailored to your company culture to create a profound transformational experience for your team as individuals and as a collective. This goes light years beyond the classic team building exercises to a deeper level where team members actively engage in activities that are proven to foster unparalleled connections. With this opportunity for powerful and uplifting interactions, your team will see each other with new eyes, deepen their connections and share a collective experience that brings out their best. If you’ve witnessed the positive impact of deep connection and strong team culture within corporate teams, let’s create an experience built around your team to leverage the Magic Of Human Connection in your team’s performance

Hire Jessica

Keynote Sessions

Featured alongside Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Elizabeth Gilbert, Jay Shetty, Quincy Jones, and Marianne Williamson among others, Jessica has delivered her signature Magic Of Human Connection experience to 10,000+ people yearly in global events that range from Summit to Call to Unite

Drawing from her Keynote Speaker expertise and world-class experiential facilitation, she goes beyond the classic speaker and offers interactive, immersive and transformational sessions. Her audiences are invited into sacred and playful connection activities that are tailor-made to them. Whether they are 8 or 80 years old, in a festival or a corporate conference, Jessica’s sessions are carefully curated to be a fit for all attendees.

The Magic Of Human Connection fosters the level of community and connection that drives people to attend events in the first place. Including an experience of this magnitude in any lineup ensures a surprised and engaged audience that has found what they came looking for: Intentional, deep connection like they have never experienced before

Book Jessica